
We have 10 Years of Experience of any kind it solution.

The seed for incorporating the Institute of Women Directors of  India Private Limited germinated after the enactment of the Company's Act 2013,. It made it mandatory for all listed companies in India to appoint at least one woman on their boards as a first step in ushering gender equality in corporate governance.

It ignited the concept with active participation of women in our professional activities. We are a team of women professionals with a burning desire to contribute to good corporate governance under the mentor-ship of Mr. S. Srinivasan, a well known practicing company secretary having decades of practice behind him.

Our office is housed in a spacious premises in the heart of Chennai city and the activities are being carried out pan India

Whatever your business may be whether you run a creative Startup, a digital studio.

Provide all kind of it service

Solutions for all security

Most expert peoples

Global support for all


To ensure that the woman director plays a significant role in corporate boards to achieve good corporate governance as envisaged by the government and bring together the fraternity of woman directors in the united fight for gender equality amongst decision makers in the corporate arena.

google map


To contribute to the women directors’ might by empowering women through education and stand for the general upliftment of women at all levels to achieve equality with men in all spheres of life making them a giant force in nation building.

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